Acknowledging that we all have different ability to pay for services based on numerous factors such as: income, previous debt, race, gender, privilege, education. A sliding scale is the way I have chosen to include as many people who have the call to do birth work as possible.

My customary fee is $600 for a 16 CE class, which includes unlimited mentoring, exam proctoring, and accountability sessions. You are also able to attend refresher sessions at no charge.

I am able to accommodate 1 sliding scale student for each full paying student per workshop.. so the number of seats will vary from class to class.

I also offer payment plans.

*Please note: I do not discount my evaluation services $350 to watch your 6 hour class, offer notes, and complete ICEA paperwork 90 min. (total 7.5 hrs)

Please begin with this list to assist you assessing your needs:

Be aware that if you choose lower on the scale when in fact you can afford the higher ticket, you are limiting access to those who truly need the financial flexibility. 

Consider requesting discount if you:

– have student loans you pay for monthly

-are supporting children, family, or other dependents

– are a single parent or are the only source of income in your home

– have significant debt that takes a considerable amount of your income

– receive any form of public assistance

– have immigration-related expenses

– are an elder with limited financial resources

– are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history or disability

– are a teacher in a public school system

– are a student (if this is true for you, please contact me directly)

Criteria For Full Payments:

– own the home you live in

– own property

– have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

– travel for leisure or recreation

– have multiple sources of income by choice

– have a relatively high degree of earning power due to your level of education, assigned gender, racial privilege, class background, and the like. (Even if you do not actively leverage this power, as you may benefit from it without awareness).


Thank you to Yasmin Marrero ( and those she credits for helping me put this to word and practice.