As your Birth Consultant you have 24/7 access to a highly trained and experienced professional from your 35th week through Labor.  I am a member of your team ready to answer your questions, help you explore options, and support you through the last weeks of your pregnancy and through labor. This is a new concept in birth support available to give you that extra layer of assurance that you will fully understand whatever is unfolding. As your consultant we will speak 1-2x weekly to make sure you have a list of questions each time you visit your Dr/ Midwife, and to go over any answers that still seem unclear, and to strategize alternatives if unexpected situations occur.

BIRTH CONSULTANT VS DOULA.   Why Wouldn’t I just hire a Doula ?

– Some couples birth in a hospital that has a restricted number of labor support people in a room. In this case a birthing person would have to decide between a doula and a trusted friend or family member. In a situation like this, the Consultant is available via phone or text to add whatever expertise is required while partners and other labor support are present for emotional comfort.

– The couple has decided they’d like to birth themselves, but partner feels more comfortable knowing there is someone available 24/7 to remind them of coping strategies, comfort measures, or as a informational support if interventions are suggested.

– Some couples can’t afford an experienced Doula to be present at their birth, or find they are uncomfortable with the thought of another person in the room with them.

-During COVID many Doulas are not permitted in the hospital room with the birthing family. The labor support person is extensively trained and is the “hands in the room” while the virtual Doula is present to answer questions and and remind the family of techniques for comfort and creating pelvic space.

These are just a few examples of how a Birth Consultant may bridge the gap in situations where a Doula may not be chosen for a birth.

Birth Consultant Package: $600  Included:

Natural Childbirth Workshop (2.5- 3 hours) to train your partner on being the very best they can be to support you in labor, and to spend time getting to know you as a couple- your goals, fears, and strategies. (pre/after covid your location add travel fee).

24/7 Phone/Text Access: (6 hours) Weekly check-in to stay updated on your progress through pregnancy, changes in health, and throughout labor. (Additional hours after 5 billed at $50/hour)